German Dictionary

Translation of hin

hin there    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Auf das Stichwort hin begann das Abendprogramm, und die Menge gröhlte.

On cue, the evening entertainment started, and the crowd roared.
Der Höcker des Kamels wackelte vor mir hin und her. The camel's hump wobbled back and forth in front of me.
Ihr großzügiger Einsatz verschiedenfarbiger Textmarker deutete auf eine gründliche Natur hin. Her generous use of different colored highlighter implied a thorough nature.
Hin-und Rückflugticket round-trip-ticket
hin(umfallen to fall over; fell; fallen
hin und her backwards and forwards
stehen;sich(hin)stellen stand
(hin- und her)schwingen swing
hin und wieder now and again
gelangen,(hin)kommen to get
hin und zurück return
da; dahin; dort(hin) there

Two weeks ago I met a girl from Indiana and she told me that she was really sorry but that she would have no knowledge about Europe, Africa or Asia and that it was only due to lack of information on TV.
I even put on my Poncho, a plastic rain coat, in order to protect myself from the aircon-breeze. Somehow I managed to fall asleep and woke up at around six in the morning when we approach Palenque.
Usually we were not that picky, but we intended to stay in Buenos Aires for almost 10 days. On the first day we walked around the city center and did some shopping in the Florida passage.
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