German Dictionary

Translation of Hören

hören to hear    
das Hören the hearing    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie hörte ein Knirschen in dem Balken .

She could hear a crunch inside the beam.
Im Weihwasser versunken hörte der Weihrauch auf, zu brennen. Submerged in holy water, the incense stopped burning.
Als ich an seinem Grabstein stand, hörte ich plötzlich ein lautes Jaulen in der Nähe. Standing by his tombstone, I suddenly heard a loud howl nearby.
zuhören; anhören; hören listen; listen to; to listen to
zuhören; (an)hören to listen; listen; listen to
Hören, Hörübung the listening
schweigend zu hören listen in silence
Hören; Hörübung listening
hören, sich anhören listen to
erfreut zu hören pleased to hear
hören - hörte hear - heard
von jemand hören to hear from

Not be able to perceive the real important things in the world and in life in general. First I want to explain my opinion by mentioning the superficial newscoverage that is currently happening here.
They are not used to live together with other religions and cultures and they do not know how to coexist. In each region people assume things about others, but in some regions the hatred grows.
I was a little disappointed that I would not arrived at my final destination the same day, but once I considered all options, it was probably the best choice at this time. I was excited to stay.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of hören
höre  hörst  hört  hören  hört  hören  hörte  hörtest  hörte  hörten  hörtet  hörten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of hear   [ heard, heard ]