German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Bert benutzte ein Verdünnungsmittel, damit die Farbe besser in das Holz einzog. |
Bert used a thinner to make the paint soak into the wood better. |
Der Fassbinder machte ein Fass aus dem Holz, und eine Elfe kam daraus hervor. | The cooper made a new barrel from the wood, and a fairy appeared from it. |
Nachdem er Holz gehackt hatte, machte er eine Pause und aß ein Käsebrot. | After chopping wood he took a breather and ate a cheese sandwich. |
hölzern, aus Holz | wooden |
Holz/ Nutzholz | timber |
(bau-)holz | timber |
(das) Holz | wood |
Wald, Holz | wood |
holz | wood |
Some of the disadvantages are the coldness, darkness and the fact that the days are a lot shorter then as in the summer. First let me tell you what I do not like about the winter. It is the following.
The belief of somebody that a race or a group of people to which he belongs is superior to another. Even though the word itself stems from the word 'race', its meaning must be generalized.
On the next day we took the tour to see the Peninsula. The tour itself was very boring and the guide had really not much to say that would interest me. The area was barren and completely flat.
The belief of somebody that a race or a group of people to which he belongs is superior to another. Even though the word itself stems from the word 'race', its meaning must be generalized.
On the next day we took the tour to see the Peninsula. The tour itself was very boring and the guide had really not much to say that would interest me. The area was barren and completely flat.