German Dictionary

Translation of hüten

hüten to herd    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Das Originalrezept für die Essiggurken meiner Großmutter wird von der ganzen Familie gehütet.

The original recipe for my grandmother's pickles is being treasured by the entire family.

I would like to know if Jack is interested to join us as well. Shared learning is called Tandem. I'm coming in 2 days to Spain. I will pay for the study costs of my daughter, and I assume all other costs as well.
Sorry if I did not write back, I was in Napoli during the holidays, then back at work, once again I have so much to do at the weekend, but I will do my best. Greetings from Italy. Marco.
Last week I was at the birthday celebration of my grandma. She is 95 years old and very healthy. I'm 33 years old. I work as an electrician, and I had my own company until last year.
Most common translations: hinab    heißen    großartig    gewaltsam    genehmigt    garantiert    frenetisch    filtern    fabelhaft    ersehnen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of hüten
hüte  hütest  hütet  hüten  hütet  hüten  hütete  hütetest  hütete  hüteten  hütetet  hüteten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of herd   [ herded, herded ]