German Dictionary

Translation of illustrieren

illustrieren to illustrate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Flugbahn des Farbpinsels wurde durch die Kleckse an der Wand illustriert.

The trajectory of the paint brush was illustrated by the stains on the wall.
illustrieren; bildlich machen illustrate
illustrieren bebildern

I counted the bills and saw that ten thousand Lire were still missing. The old man return to the children, grabbed the oldest one for a second time and hit him again. A minute later he came back with the missing.
Don't worry... Very nice graphics, much nicer and more modern! I like all the pages except the front page. In my opinion, the front page is too 'busy'. The links at the bottom are not good.
Now it shows the hand and when you stand on the image with the mouse you receive an indication as well: 'Spanish Club - Property in Spain'. If the issue is still not resolved, I will try something else.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of illustrieren
illustriere  illustrierst  illustriert  illustrieren  illustriert  illustrieren  illustrierte  illustriertest  illustrierte  illustrierten  illustriertet  illustrierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of illustrate   [ illustrated, illustrated ]