German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Die Münze fiel aus der Hosentasche, ohne dass ich irgendetwas bemerkte. |
The coin fell out of the pocket without me noticing at all. |
Abgesehen von unserer Stadt haben alle Städte irgendetwas aufregendes an sich. | All cities have something exciting about them except ours. |
I would like to know if Jack is interested to join us as well. Shared learning is called Tandem. I'm coming in 2 days to Spain. I will pay for the study costs of my daughter, and I assume all other costs as well.
Anyway, there are a lot of people on board and I no matter how high the waves may be, I always suffer from nausea or seasickness. I have not been on a small boat before. I will have to vomit.
I think Italian so beautiful, I should definitely learn more! In addition, my husband and I are getting married next year and we will move to Italy. He is originally from Palermo, Sicilia.
Anyway, there are a lot of people on board and I no matter how high the waves may be, I always suffer from nausea or seasickness. I have not been on a small boat before. I will have to vomit.
I think Italian so beautiful, I should definitely learn more! In addition, my husband and I are getting married next year and we will move to Italy. He is originally from Palermo, Sicilia.
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