German Dictionary

He has already asked me for packaging instructions: They said that you should place them in the original box, which you have kept. That's all I have got from them. I hope that you and your child are both well.
This kind of struggle is a 'projecting the guilt' one someone innocent. It has always existed, even today there is a large movement against foreigners in Europe and its support is frightening me.
Let me understand further: If you go through the 'vocabulary builder' in the left menu and choose new lesson it works faster than when you get there through the list of all lessons? Did I get this right?
This kind of struggle is a 'projecting the guilt' one someone innocent. It has always existed, even today there is a large movement against foreigners in Europe and its support is frightening me.
Let me understand further: If you go through the 'vocabulary builder' in the left menu and choose new lesson it works faster than when you get there through the list of all lessons? Did I get this right?