German Dictionary

Study material is not easy to find. Unfortunately I have not received any such material yet. To give your students brochures and leaflets is in my opinion not the ideal. It cannot be compared with online studies.
And in the end you still have not learned what you have wanted. I browse in online stores all day and come back empty-handed, or with items that I do not really need. Learn and think about it.
Thanks for your help, I was on holidays in Galicia, it was just beautiful, I had a long weekend, and have taken off for a few days. And what did you do on last weekends? did you stay home?
And in the end you still have not learned what you have wanted. I browse in online stores all day and come back empty-handed, or with items that I do not really need. Learn and think about it.
Thanks for your help, I was on holidays in Galicia, it was just beautiful, I had a long weekend, and have taken off for a few days. And what did you do on last weekends? did you stay home?