German Dictionary

Translation of Kraft

die Kraft  the power     
die Kraft the strength    ; the force    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie vereinten ihre Kräfte, um das Feuer in der Kirche zu löschen.

They united their powers to extinguish the fire at the church.
Nancy behauptete, ihr launisches Verhalten sei eine Folge ihrer übernatürlichen Kräfte. Nancy claimed her capricious behavior was due to her supernatural powers.
Das legendäre Schwert soll magische Kräfte haben. The legendary sword is said to have magical powers.
Einbildungs(kraft); Phantasie imagination
Macht, Kraft, Fähigkeit power
Einstellung (Arb.kraft) recruiting
Macht; Kraft; Fähigkeit power
in Kraft treten come into force
Kraft; Stärke; Macht power
kraft by use of; by virtue of
mit voller Kraft at full tilt
Kraft (Körper) strength

I just got back from 3 very successful and intensive weeks in China. Sorry I couldn't help, but thanks for your interest. Maybe in the future we can study together with Vocabulix. Take care.
The belief of somebody that a race or a group of people to which he belongs is superior to another. Even though the word itself stems from the word 'race', its meaning must be generalized.
Unfortunately, the boat's maneuvering system broke down and we were told that we could not take it. We were furious, but decided to make the best out of the situation. The offered to take the Red Dragon instead.
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Conjugation of force   [ forced, forced ]