German Dictionary

Translation of Lebenslauf

der Lebenslauf the résumé    ; the curriculum vitae

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er las ihren Lebenslauf aufmerksam durch und fand drei Fehler.

He read her re?sume? with vigilance and spotted three mistakes.
lebenslauf; Lebenslauf curriculum vitae; CV
der Lebenslauf the CV, curriculum vitae
Lebenslauf (GB) curriculum vitae
Lebenslauf curriculum vitae (CV)
Lebenslauf CV; Curriculum Vitae
Lebenslauf curriculum vitae

We are just enjoying our trip and our entire stay here in Florida not caring to much about the rest of the world. We just want to live the moment as everyone else, says Flavio, a Brazilian student.
And others are not, some of us are speaking (too) freely about it, without paying attention to what they really say. Some of us know how to restrain because we know that these feelings are malicious.
The flight was a little late so we spent our time in the airport playing car race computer game. My wife won three times in a row, she is a better driver than me anyway. We flew to Puerto Madryn.
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