German Dictionary

Translation of leuchten

leuchten to shine    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Augen des Gnoms leuchteten grün in der dunklen Höhle.

The gnome's eyes shone green in the dark cave.
scheinen; glänzen; leuchten (to) shine
scheinen; glänzen; leuchten shine
leuchten, anzünden light lit lit
glühen, leuchten glow
leuchten to blaze
leuchten to glare

Writing large essays has never been my favorite task although it is one of the most important when learning a language. Spanish, English and German are all entirely supported by Vocabulix.
The belief of somebody that a race or a group of people to which he belongs is superior to another. Even though the word itself stems from the word 'race', its meaning must be generalized.
Anyway, on our last day in Sapa, we hired a taxi driver, payed him twenty dollars and asked him to drive us around for a few hours. We had the Tram Ton pass in mind which separated two climate regions.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of leuchten
leuchte  leuchtest  leuchtet  leuchten  leuchtet  leuchten  leuchtete  leuchtetest  leuchtete  leuchteten  leuchtetet  leuchteten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of shine   [ shone, shone ]