German Dictionary

Translation of Mädchen

das Mädchen the girl    ; the maiden    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Anzahl der Jungen und Mädchen war gleich - perfekt zum Tanzen.

There were equal numbers of boys and girls - perfect for dancing.
Das Mädchen war frech und bat mich um Geld. The girl was cheeky and asked me for money.
Es war sein Karma, dass er immer Mädchen abbekam, die nicht jüdisch waren. It was his karma to always get girls that were not Jewish.
Mädchen, Mädchen girl, girls
Knabe(n) Mädchen boy(s) girl(s)
Kanben, Mädchen boy(s), girl(s)
Knabe(n)/Mädchen boi(s)/girl(s)
Aupair(mädchen, -junge) au pair
Aupair-Mädchen/Junge au pair
Mädchen, Junge girl, boy
dieses Mädchen this girl
Mädchen (pl.) girls

Do you know any people in Australia. I have delivered all the necessary information to the friends. Please give them a few more days to correct the letters (I was not in the office last week).
Every school has some narrow minded teachers who are not willing in investing in progressive educational process. They do not grasp that schooling methods today are different from last century's methods.
Your offer seems interesting to me. The language exchange is one of my future projects, so that we will contact you later when I am ready to discuss the ways and possibilities of learning together.
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