German Dictionary

Translation of Magermilch

die Magermilch the skim milk; the skimmed milk

Translation by Vocabulix


die Magermilch skimmed milk
Magermilch skimmed milk
Magermilch skim milk

For example, if I am working very early in the morning, let's say 06.00 (that would be 09.00 your time), I don't notice it much. But 9 hours later, the system slows down, because people in Europe get online.
That's very courageous that you have met a man and followed him to another country. If it's true love it is something you must sometimes risk. I have much respect for such decisions.
My grandchildren live in Switzerland, in Zurich, in the state of Zurich. In August I'm going to go back to Switzerland and I was hoping that I could learn to speak a little German by then.
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