German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Gräfin Iman war der Meinung, dass Kichererbsen keine Speise für Adlige waren. |
Countess Iman was of the opinion that chickpeas were no food for aristocrats. |
Seiner Meinung nach war die ungenügende Anzahl von Bügeln im Schrank eine aushaltbare Unannehmlichkeit. | In his opinion, the insufficient number of hangers in the closet was a tolerable inconvenience. |
Ihre Mutter war der Meinung, Zirkusleute seinen unbeständig und war gegen die Heirat. | Her mother thought circus people were volatile and opposed their marriage. |

He has already asked me for packaging instructions: They said that you should place them in the original box, which you have kept. That's all I have got from them. I hope that you and your child are both well.
In the following pages I would like to talk about a topic which should concern everyone of us. It is a delicate topic which has been present as long as human beings have existed and it will last forever.
The ship stopped in the middle of several limestone islands and passengers went swimming in the middle of the sea. There were dozens of other boats around us as the area was very touristy.
In the following pages I would like to talk about a topic which should concern everyone of us. It is a delicate topic which has been present as long as human beings have existed and it will last forever.
The ship stopped in the middle of several limestone islands and passengers went swimming in the middle of the sea. There were dozens of other boats around us as the area was very touristy.
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