German Dictionary

Translation of melden

melden to report    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Nach drei Jahren meldete der kleine Sportladen Konkurs an.

After three years, the small sports shop declared bankruptcy.
anzeigen; benachrichtigen; melden notify
berichten, melden to report
mitteilen, melden meedelen
melden report

Let me know how we can proceed and how I could help you further. I am looking forward to share lessons and maybe meet you in person in Singapore one day. Kind regards to you and your wife.
Other tourists needed to check out first before others could check in. I wanted to see the ruins on the same day and booked a tour in this little jungle settlement and waited for the tour guide.
We left and went back to the boat which took us back to the big vessel. We started our journey back to the main land. It was already late and from the main land, it was still a four hour drive back.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of melden
melde  meldest  meldet  melden  meldet  melden  meldete  meldetest  meldete  meldeten  meldetet  meldeten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of report   [ reported, reported ]