German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Michael behauptet, Iran habe genug Uranium, um mehrere Atombomben zu bauen. |
Michael claims Iran has enough uranium to build several nuclear bombs. |
Michael tunkte den Keks glücklich in seinen Tee. | Michael happily dunked the cookie in his tea. |
Dass Michael Jackson sich in sie verlieben würde war eine wahnhafte Idee. | Her idea that Michael Jackson would fall in love with her was delusional. |

It all depends on the language that you want to learn. For German it would be best to go to Berlin, as the pronunciation is classic there. Imagine going to Switzerland where they speak a different language.
Short question: when searching Spanish numbers, what would you write in Google? In Spanish, of course? In English I would write: 'spanish numbers' and not 'numbers in spanish'. The results are almost the same.
What do you think of the current situation? Like you, I am writing letters, emails and other messages. Tomorrow I will leave, then I will go to my friend in Spain, where we are planing a beach vacation.
Short question: when searching Spanish numbers, what would you write in Google? In Spanish, of course? In English I would write: 'spanish numbers' and not 'numbers in spanish'. The results are almost the same.
What do you think of the current situation? Like you, I am writing letters, emails and other messages. Tomorrow I will leave, then I will go to my friend in Spain, where we are planing a beach vacation.