German Dictionary

Translation of mitwirken

mitwirken to cooperate    

Translation by Vocabulix


zusammenarbeiten; mitwirken to co-operate; to collaborate with
geben; beitragen; mitwirken to contribute
beisteuern; mitwirken to contribute

There we saw a lot of these beautiful trees which I had heard about when I was back in Germany. We visited the folliage and saw some amazing lakes in the northern part of the state, different from the rest.
Other tourists needed to check out first before others could check in. I wanted to see the ruins on the same day and booked a tour in this little jungle settlement and waited for the tour guide.
I do not know if you have a webmaster or not. However I will send you the entire code that must be inserted. If you need help, please tell me and I will help you further! Don't worry about it.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of mitwirken
wirke mit  wirkst mit  wirkt mit  wirken mit  wirkt mit  wirken mit  wirkte mit  wirktest mit  wirkte mit  wirkten mit  wirktet mit  wirkten mit     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of cooperate   [ cooperated, cooperated ]