German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Dies ist der kritische Moment, den Fallschirm aufzumachen. |
This is the critical moment to release the parachute. |
Schließlich schaffte er es, den Kojoten einen Moment lang zu würgen und kam davon. | Finally, he managed to choke the coyote for a moment and get away. |
Das Paket geht im Moment durch den Zoll. | The parcel is currently going through customs. |
in diesem Moment; an dieser Stelle | at this point |
zur Zeit; momentan; im Moment | at the moment |
im Moment; gerade jetzt | at the moment |

We do not see the spider eating the moth, we only see a yellow spider sitting on a red flower holding a brown moth. But we know what will occur: There will be a cruel and nasty act of the nature.
I wrote you an email. Is this still your address? Please respond if so. Anything goes. I am with May tomorrow. I hope that is OK with you... You're checking out the new Ford, I heard. A great car.
On the way we met a nice village girl which tried to sell us some souvenirs. We told her that we would not buy from her. Her English was excellent, and we did not believe that she was twelve years old.
I wrote you an email. Is this still your address? Please respond if so. Anything goes. I am with May tomorrow. I hope that is OK with you... You're checking out the new Ford, I heard. A great car.
On the way we met a nice village girl which tried to sell us some souvenirs. We told her that we would not buy from her. Her English was excellent, and we did not believe that she was twelve years old.