German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Am Horizont erschienen schwarze Punkte - die Flotte der Mongolen war gekommen. |
On the horizon, black dots appeared - the Mongol fleet had come. |

Do you know any people in Australia. I have delivered all the necessary information to the friends. Please give them a few more days to correct the letters (I was not in the office last week).
We all know that the consequences are awful. All are struggling, some kill eachother, mostly for really foolish reasons. They are not aware of it. Drugs should never be tolerated in any country.
Thanks for letting us know. What browser are you using? Is it the first time that this happened? What Internet connection are you using? Please give me the time and date when it was happening.
We all know that the consequences are awful. All are struggling, some kill eachother, mostly for really foolish reasons. They are not aware of it. Drugs should never be tolerated in any country.
Thanks for letting us know. What browser are you using? Is it the first time that this happened? What Internet connection are you using? Please give me the time and date when it was happening.
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