German Dictionary

Translation of Mountainbike

das Mountainbike the mountain bike

Translation by Vocabulix


mountainbike fahren mountain bike(1)
Mountainbike fahren mountain biking
Mountainbike fahren mountain bike
Mountainbike faren mountain bike
Mountainbike fahren mountainbike
ein Mountainbike a mountain bike

How long have you being teaching Russian and why do you want to learn Spanish? Since when do you learn it? Are you traveling often and if you do in which countries? Are you from Moscow or St. Petersburg?
Thanks a lot. My wife, daughter and I came back with a flu from the Swiss mountains, but now we are getting better. How are you? 'Vos' is only used in antique Spanish as 'usted', in the singular form of course.
I have been studying Hungarian for one month. I also speak English, German and Latin. Hungarian would be my fourth language, and it gives me headache. I still can not say anything, not even one word.
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