German Dictionary

Translation of Mütze

die Mütze  the cap     

Translation by Vocabulix


die Mütze, Mützen the cap(s); the bonnet(s)
die Mütze cap; wollen hat
Mütze, Kappe cap
Mütze, Hut hat
Mütze de pet
Mütze cap

On the way, there were a lot of beautiful, colored trees. Having arrived in a tiny village called Harvard, we got out of the car and walked through the streets. We were very lucky and I will tell you why.
When we contacted you, our trainer was indeed for students only. We made some upgrades since then. Our site is now a vocabulary platform, because we support the creation of lessons by teachers and sharing.
I connected to a group of people and we played some volleyball, had some drinks and they told me a little about the place and the country in general. I returned to the hostel and took a cold shower.
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