German Dictionary

Translation of nationalisieren

nationalisieren to nationalize    

Translation by Vocabulix


This website helped me learn French. Although most of the users intend to learn either Spanish, German and English some users come here to learn French. I met a few people that helped me with it.
I have another small request: Is it possible that your webmaster sends us the loading html (the one that is displayed during the download of the large html)and the instruction of how to install it?
A small boat took us to the Kayak hiring station. We took three Kayaks in total, one for the guide, one for the couple from the US and one for us. We started rowing to a hidden Bay away from the crowds.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nationalisieren
nationalisiere  nationalisierst  nationalisiert  nationalisieren  nationalisiert  nationalisieren  nationalisierte  nationalisiertest  nationalisierte  nationalisierten  nationalisiertet  nationalisierten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of nationalize   [ nationalized, nationalized ]