German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Für einen Alkoholiker fühlt das Trinken sich mehr wie eine Notwendigkeit an, die sich ergibt, als wie eine Lust. |
For an alcoholic, drinking feels more like a need that arises than like a desire. |
Göttliche Intervention scheint heutzutage eine Notwendigkeit zu sein. | Divine intervention seems to be a necessity these days. |
Notwendigkeit; Bedürfnis | necessity; necessity |
The first link that you provided ( takes me to the Spanish Verbs Page (Verb Module). This section is an online version of all the conjugated verbs.
I went back to the busterminal and dressed for the ride. That means I put on long pants and my hiking boots. Friends have warned me about freezing conditions during bus rides because of airconditioning.
Let me understand further: If you go through the 'vocabulary builder' in the left menu and choose new lesson it works faster than when you get there through the list of all lessons? Did I get this right?
I went back to the busterminal and dressed for the ride. That means I put on long pants and my hiking boots. Friends have warned me about freezing conditions during bus rides because of airconditioning.
Let me understand further: If you go through the 'vocabulary builder' in the left menu and choose new lesson it works faster than when you get there through the list of all lessons? Did I get this right?
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