German Dictionary
The earlier you go to the top of the mountains the fewer people are on the slopes. I love the sound of the ski-lifts and seeing the villages disappear in the distance while I move up to the mountains.
I went back to the busterminal and dressed for the ride. That means I put on long pants and my hiking boots. Friends have warned me about freezing conditions during bus rides because of airconditioning.
In the end we decided just to take the picture and place it as the logo. It seems nice and it may make the user more curious, so that he will go to your page. Tell me if you do not agree with me!
I went back to the busterminal and dressed for the ride. That means I put on long pants and my hiking boots. Friends have warned me about freezing conditions during bus rides because of airconditioning.
In the end we decided just to take the picture and place it as the logo. It seems nice and it may make the user more curious, so that he will go to your page. Tell me if you do not agree with me!
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