German Dictionary

Translation of Packung

die Packung the package    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Am Zeitungskiosk kaufte ich eine Zeitung und eine Packung Kaugummi.

At the newsstand, I bought a paper and some chewing gum.
Packung, Päckchen packet

This Thursday afternoon a group of twenty five belonging to the Language Institute of English will take a trip to the Canadian city Montreal, accompanied and well protected by the bodyguard Linda.
I went back to the busterminal and dressed for the ride. That means I put on long pants and my hiking boots. Friends have warned me about freezing conditions during bus rides because of airconditioning.
2 hours later we landed in Hanoi, today's capital. After picking up our bags we started to look for a room to sleep in. The information desk did not really help us so we relied on the Lonely Planet guide.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of package   [ packaged, packaged ]