German Dictionary

Translation of Politik

die Politik  the politics     

Translation by Vocabulix


die Methode; die Politik; die Taktik the policy; the method
die rechte Politik right-wing policies
die linke Politik left-wing policies
Kabinett; Kabinett (Politik) cabinet
Versagen der Politik policy failure
Umsicht, Politik het beleid
(die) Politik politics
Politik de politiek
Politik politics

The ingredients of the poem which seem to be so bright because of the white are in fact the ingredients of a witches broth: In everything there is something bad, even in the goodness and shininess.
A good friend of mine. He works currently in NY but is a Swiss lawyer, excellent and very intelligent. Shall I ask him? OK, sounds great. Maybe we can add his words and expressions (from the law field) as well.
We woke up around one hour before arriving and got off the train once it arrived at its destination. We checked in for our last night in the same hotel very early in the morning after having coffee of course.
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