German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Die Prinzipien einer Diktatur sind in einer Demokratie nicht anwendbar. |
The principles of a dictatorship are not applicable in a democracy. |
Kundennähe ist unser oberstes Prinzip. | Proximity to customers is our topmost principle. |
das Prinzip | the principle |
Prinzip | het principe |
Personal tragedies are mentioned everywhere although they do not influence our lifes. The funny thing is that these news are labeled as 'World news' on some major channels. It is totally unappropriate.
They are actually lovely hills and do not look threatening at all. That shows us that she actually loves her pregnancy and does not know what to do about it. One can really pitty this woman.
We had lunch, checked out a few stores, the market and the beach and returned. The following morning we got up very early, checked out and headed towards the ferry port. Our ferry left at ten.
They are actually lovely hills and do not look threatening at all. That shows us that she actually loves her pregnancy and does not know what to do about it. One can really pitty this woman.
We had lunch, checked out a few stores, the market and the beach and returned. The following morning we got up very early, checked out and headed towards the ferry port. Our ferry left at ten.
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