German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Prost, lasst uns auf den Sieg unserer Fußballmannschaft trinken. |
Cheers, let us drink for the victory of our football team. |
Prost! | Cheers! |
Prost | Cheers |
Everybody knows about the Indian summer which is famous for it strong and shiny atmosphere in the woods. That is why i wanted to see it too. So, last Saturday morning we left Boston and drove North-West.
I think that subconsciously she means that her pregnancy has become a white eleph. But even though she compares her pregnancy with the large, grey animal a moment later she regrets it and says it.
El calafate airport was a mess. The airport was as big as a hotel lobby, but packed with people and all the luggage came at the same time in the same place. An officer checked the baggage receipt to avoid theft.
I think that subconsciously she means that her pregnancy has become a white eleph. But even though she compares her pregnancy with the large, grey animal a moment later she regrets it and says it.
El calafate airport was a mess. The airport was as big as a hotel lobby, but packed with people and all the luggage came at the same time in the same place. An officer checked the baggage receipt to avoid theft.
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