German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Angst und Unsicherheit führten zu Buhrufen beim Publikum. |
Fear and uncertainty led to booing in the audience. |
Dein Auftritt in dem Drama hat das gesamte Publikum beeindruckt. | Your performance in the drama wowed the entire crowd. |
Er muss seine Rede für ein anderes Publikum umschreiben. | He has to rewrite his speech for another audience. |
Personal tragedies are mentioned everywhere although they do not influence our lifes. The funny thing is that these news are labeled as 'World news' on some major channels. It is totally unappropriate.
For example, there are many regions in the United States in which only few African-Americans live. Somehow intolerance is the biggest there, because the citizens there are not used to foreigners.
If I could get that far in Galaga, and handle enemy starships, I was sure that I could handle hurricane Ivan. I decided to continue to Mexico after having two dry airport muffins for breakfast.
For example, there are many regions in the United States in which only few African-Americans live. Somehow intolerance is the biggest there, because the citizens there are not used to foreigners.
If I could get that far in Galaga, and handle enemy starships, I was sure that I could handle hurricane Ivan. I decided to continue to Mexico after having two dry airport muffins for breakfast.
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