German Dictionary

Translation of quellen

quellen to well    ; to swell    ; to soak    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Die Abnahme an natürlichen Quellen wird der Menschheit in der Zukunft Probleme bereiten.

The decline of natural sources will cause problems for mankind in future.
Jedes Mal wenn er wütend wurde, quoll eine Vene auf Arthus Stirn hervor. A vein bulged from Arthur's forehead every time he got angry.
Der Dorn durchstach ihre Haut, und ein Tropfen Blut quoll hervor. The thorn pricked her skin, and a drop of blood gushed forth.

In order to change something you need to have courage, even if it is the smallest thing. Actually let me refine, changing needs only courage if the current situation is not bad but not perfect either.
It seemed like a very cute settlement and a great place to stay in for a night or two and I hoped that they would have rooms. However, since I wasn't sure I decided to carry my backpack with me.
In order to get to this hidden lake one would have to row beneath a cave. On the other side of the cave the five of us were alone. The lake was surrounded by limestone mountains covered with tropical trees.
Do you know the meaning of? potentiell    pauschal    nüchtern    nett    möglicherweise    mindestens    mahlen    lernen    kälter    kontaminieren   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of quellen
[bin gequollen]
quelle  quillst  quillt  quellen  quellt  quellen  quoll  quollst  quoll  quollen  quollt  quollen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of swell   [ swelled, swollen ]
Conjugation of well   [ welled, welled ]