German Dictionary

Translation of ramponieren

ramponieren to damage    

Translation by Vocabulix


The entire American mass media is now focusing on this event after Monday night's Halloween disaster, in which two people were accused. Only nine others will participate in the coming season.
It seemed like a very cute settlement and a great place to stay in for a night or two and I hoped that they would have rooms. However, since I wasn't sure I decided to carry my backpack with me.
He started to shout and to curse at my wife and me, but we did not give him additional money. I am convinced that he knew exactly that he did not take us to the original hotel but to a fake one.
Do you know the meaning of? prestigeträchtig    permanent    oder    neunhundertzwei    nachdenken    missverstanden    mangeln    lieben    künftig    konzentrieren   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of damage   [ damaged, damaged ]