German Dictionary

Translation of Regel

die Regel the rule    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die neue Regel machte den Markt zugänglicher für kleinere Händler.

The new rule made the market more accessible for smaller merchants.
Anarchie ist in der Regel keine kluge Methode, ein Ziel zu erreichen. Anarchy is not usually a wise method to achieve a goal.
Stachelschweine sind in der Regel sehr freundliche und populäre Tiere im Zoo. Porcupines are usually very friendly and popular animals at the zoo.
Grundsatz; Regel; Vorschrift precept
Die Regel Rule/ Period
Regel, Herrschaft rule
in der regel as a rule
Regel/Vorschrift rule
Regel, Zeile de regel

Let me explain: A company that has may difficulties needs to change its behavior, its organization, its business plan and sometimes the entire management. In this case, change must happen anyway.
We left on time and the route included some nice beach towns along the coast, such as Tulum and Playa del Carmen. Behind me sat two very cute girls who started to talk to me about life in my country.
Usually I do not care too much about not getting change, but when you pay a 3 dollar ride with 50 dollars, you do actually expect change. We stood there for a while and neither of us knew what to do.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of rule   [ ruled, ruled ]