German Dictionary

Translation of reiten

reiten  to ride a horse     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Cowboys ritten auf ihren Pferden los um den Tod ihres Kumpels zu rächen.

The cowboys were heading out on their horses to revenge the death of their fella.
Silver kann ich ihn im Moment nicht reiten weil sein Sprunggelenk verletzt ist. I can't ride Silver at the moment because his hock is injured.
fahren; reiten; der Ritt, die Fahrt ride
reiten,fahren to ride,rode,ridden
reiten, fahren ride-rode-ridden

I spoke to Juliette and she told me to organize the meeting with Jimmy and Rick. I would like to know the time and place of our meeting (on Monday). Looking forward to meet you all. Bye soon.
So the man and the woman are staing at the station, sitting at their table and tasting unknown alcoholic drinks, wishing they had the same feeling of joy that they had known before this all happened.
We would like to inform you that we have added image association lessons. You are right: no native English speaker has read the instructions in English yet, except our Scottish born web-designer.
Do you know the meaning of? quantisieren    postfrisch    pathologisch    nörgeln    nerven    mästen    mildern    madagassisch    leise    kurzlebig   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of reiten
[bin geritten]
reite  reitest  reitet  reiten  reitet  reiten  ritt  rittest  ritt  ritten  rittet  ritten