German Dictionary

Translation of Respekt

der Respekt  the respect     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Unglaublicherweise entzückte der Hofnarr den König, indem er nicht einen Funken Respekt vor ihm zeigte.

Incredibly, the jester charmed the king failing to show even an ounce of respect towards him.
Wen auch immer du lieben magst, zeige dieser Person täglich Respekt. Whomever you decide to love, show this person respect every day.
Respekt ; respektieren respect

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I think that subconsciously she means that her pregnancy has become a white eleph. But even though she compares her pregnancy with the large, grey animal a moment later she regrets it and says it.
A small boat took us to the Kayak hiring station. We took three Kayaks in total, one for the guide, one for the couple from the US and one for us. We started rowing to a hidden Bay away from the crowds.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of respect   [ respected, respected ]