German Dictionary

Translation of riechen

riechen to smell    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Emma tat Rosmarin an die Bratensoße, und es roch köstlich.

Emma added rosemary to the gravy, and it smelled divine.
Als ich aufwachte, roch ich Kaffee. As I was waking up, I smelled coffee.
Der Inhalt des Aquariums roch stark nach Ammoniak. The content of the aquarium smelled strongly of ammonia.
Den Hamburger riechen. Smell the hamburger.
riechen; duften smell; to smell
riechen; duften; stinken smell
riechen an to smell something
riechen nach to smell like
riechen smell/smelt/smelt
riechen nach to smell of
riechen smell (v)

I hope you could understand my last letter to you. You see, when I write in Spanish I am not very confident. I always question myself and each and every sentence takes about fifteen minutes.
The problem is that we are planning day by day and in our region (Maine, New Hampshire...) most hotels are 'by request' and not by 'space available'. I could do it but I would need to do the follow up.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of riechen
rieche  riechst  riecht  riechen  riecht  riechen  roch  rochst  roch  rochen  rocht  rochen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of smell   [ smelt, smelt ]