German Dictionary

Translation of rühren

rühren to stir    ; to move    ; to bustle    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Zuneigung des Milchmanns ihren Kindern gegenüber war rührend.

The milkman's affection for her children was touching.
Die Raffinesse in Julias Gemälden rührte Stefan zutiefst. The subtlety in Julia's paintings touched Stefan deeply.
rühren stir, mix; agitar; remover (1ra)
sich bewegen; sich rühren to budge
rühren to stir

I hope you could understand my last letter to you. You see, when I write in Spanish I am not very confident. I always question myself and each and every sentence takes about fifteen minutes.
That is how he forces her into deciding between him and the baby. There is no escape from this dilema. The train that was supposed to arrive did not come yet and it does not look like it will come.
My wife and her started a nice conversation and the village girl did not believe that my wife was older than thirty years old. My wife considered herself as old, but the little girl explained her that she wasn't.
Do you know the meaning of? renovieren    radioaktiv    preiswert    pensionieren    objektiv    neulich    mütterlich    missbrauchen    mampfen    leuchtend   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of rühren
rühre  rührst  rührt  rühren  rührt  rühren  rührte  rührtest  rührte  rührten  rührtet  rührten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of bustle   [ bustled, bustled ]
Conjugation of move   [ moved, moved ]
Conjugation of stir   [ stirred, stirred ]