German Dictionary

Translation of sanft

sanft gentle    
sanft bland    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Dieses Auto muss aufgrund seiner Pferdestärken sanft beschleunigt werden.

This car needs gentle acceleration due to its horsepower.
Nach dem turbulenten Flug war die sanfte Landung in Tel Aviv eine Erleichterung. After the turbulent flight, the smooth touchdown in Tel Aviv was a relief.
Der Jongleur begrüßte sie mit einem sanften Gesichtsausdruck, der sie sofort anzog. The juggler greeted her with a suave expression that attracted her immediately.

I hope you could understand my last letter to you. You see, when I write in Spanish I am not very confident. I always question myself and each and every sentence takes about fifteen minutes.
Most are just afraid of the unknown and see the unknown as a threat to their stabilty. Can one blame them? I think you can blame them. It is the fault of the ones that are scared to improve and learn.
After two weeks in less developed countries it was somehow interesting to arrive here. The express shuttle from the airport took us into town in less than twenty minutes and had several station.
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