German Dictionary

Translation of Schäferhund

der Schäferhund the sheepdog    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
In der Kälte pustete der Schäferhund weißen Atem durch seinen Maulkorb.

In the cold, the German Shepherd puffed white breath through his muzzle.
Die Schmuliks hielten ihre beiden deutschen Schäferhunde in einer Hundehütte. The Schmuliks kept their two German Shepherds in a kennel.

In addition she is enjoying her studies very much. Work is fine! I'm in a learning phase and I have started my initial plans quickly. Two hours ago, I watched the Grand slam final of the US open!
This perilous reaction, due to trivial, conventional thinking of us might lead to direct violence or at least to its support. Furthermore it can destroys one's good intensions and qualities.
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