German Dictionary

Translation of schlafen

schlafen  to sleep     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Wir ernteten die Trauben zweier Rebstöcke während der Bauer schlief.

We harvested the grapes from two vines while the farmer was asleep.
Ich werde auf gar keinen Fall auf einer feuchten Matratze schlafen. There is no way that I am going to sleep on a moist mattress.
Bei Sonnenaufgang beendet der Luchs normalerweise seine Jagd und geht schlafen. By sunrise the lynx usually finishes his hunt, and goes to sleep.
fast (einge) schlafen fast asleep
fest(einge)schlafen fast asleep
schlafen to sleep, slept, slept
schlafen wir let's sleep (1)
schlafen sleep-slept-slept
schlafen sleep slept slept
schlafen sleep/slept/slept
schlafen to be asleep
schlafen be asleep

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In the following pages I would like to talk about a topic which should concern everyone of us. It is a delicate topic which has been present as long as human beings have existed and it will last forever.
We changed to another room which was slightly better and stayed there one night. The next day we moved to another room again before finally leaving for a better hotel. It was important to stay in a good place.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schlafen
schlafe  schläfst  schläft  schlafen  schlaft  schlafen  schlief  schliefst  schlief  schliefen  schlieft  schliefen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of sleep   [ slept, slept ]