German Dictionary

Translation of schlammig

schlammig muddy    

Translation by Vocabulix


schlammig, matschig muddy
schlammig; matschig muddy

In total we have 55,500 potential words. I know that is crazy. But we sorted them by the amount they were asked for. Then the words that are really missing and towards the end just stupid spelling mistakes.
True, I forgot the 'I' when I have copied and pasted the entire text field. I assume it is the regular form, isn't it? However, the formal form in Spain is a little different to what we are using in Mexico.
Thank you for your kind message. I have not done anything for my Spanish because I have too much work at my job. I might write you a letter, but I'm so busy at work that I can't afford other hobbies.
Do you know the meaning of? rüberkommen    reklamieren    queren    pragmatisch    pausieren    ob    netteste    müde    minimal    majestätisch