German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Der Troll war niedlich aber hatte sehr schlechte Manieren. |
The troll was cute but had very bad manners. |
Nachdem sein Produkt landesweit schlechte Presse bekam, bat er um eine Kongressuntersuchung. | After his product received bad publicity nation wide he asked for a congressional inquiry. |
Ihr Eau de Cologne roch so stark, dass ihm davon schlecht wurde. | Her cologne was so strong, it made him sick. |
krank; übel, böse; schlecht, schlimm | ill |
schlecht gelaunt; übellaunig | bad-tempered |
schlecht ausgerüstet | poorly-equipped |
sich schlecht fühlen | to feel bad |
schlecht; nicht schlecht | bad; not bad |
schlecht gelaunt sein | be bad-tempered |
After a wonderful mountain breakfast with a hot chocolate drink one can enjoy the view by looking outside the window and seeing the white landscape, high mountains and the sun reflected in the white powder.
I already spoke to Lin, but nonetheless I would like to send you a list of lessons that you could start with. Please login to your Vocabulix account and save the lessons before starting with them.
I spoke to my sister's friend and she told me I could stay at her place whenever I wanted. I then played Galaga on one of the computer machines and advanced to a very high level of the game.
I already spoke to Lin, but nonetheless I would like to send you a list of lessons that you could start with. Please login to your Vocabulix account and save the lessons before starting with them.
I spoke to my sister's friend and she told me I could stay at her place whenever I wanted. I then played Galaga on one of the computer machines and advanced to a very high level of the game.
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