German Dictionary

Translation of Schneider

der Schneider  the tailor     
der Schneider the cutter    ; the dressmaker    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Schneider hatte sein Handwerk in Kroatien gelernt.

The dressmaker had learned his craft in Croatia.
Die Jacke war etwas zu groß und ich entschloss mich sie dem Schneider zu bringen. The jacket was slightly too big so I decided to take it to the tailor.
Schneider(in) tailor
Schneider tailor(1)
schneider/in tailor

They played a lot of music (very old fashioned music) and sold apples, cookies, cakes and many drinks. Having enjoyed the apple festival we went for a walk outside the village, meaning the woods.
But his intensions are clear. By saying: 'I do not want anybody but you, I don't want anyone else...' he actually refers also to the unborn child. He is putting her into a sad dilema. She refuses.
El calafate airport was a mess. The airport was as big as a hotel lobby, but packed with people and all the luggage came at the same time in the same place. An officer checked the baggage receipt to avoid theft.
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