German Dictionary

Translation of Schwung

der Schwung the swing    
der Schwung the zip    

Translation by Vocabulix


in Fahrt kommen; in Schwung kommen gained momentum
beeinflussen; in Schwung bringen leverage
Schwung spice

The mothers of my girlfriends were so insulted when I never wanted to eat their food. I mean, in the beginning they liked me, but once the saw my eating habits everything changed. I guess I blew it.
Indeed, these two are very stronlgy connected. The first is often led by a certain party or representative who represents the interest of the others. It gives them a feeling of togetherness and belonging.
Some of the people had invited me for dinner and I joined them. I soon found out that they were eating at their apartment and were cooking by themselves. I found myself peeling raw potatoes.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of swing   [ swung, swung ]