German Dictionary

Translation of Serie

die Serie the series    
die Serie the serial    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Es dauerte fünf Stunden, die Daten für die Serie herunterzuladen.

It took five hours to download the data for the series.
Fernsehserie; TV Serie series; TV series
Seifenoper, TV-serie soap
Serie, Sendereihe series
Serie, Reihe de serie
Serie show

The ingredients of the poem which seem to be so bright because of the white are in fact the ingredients of a witches broth: In everything there is something bad, even in the goodness and shininess.
They wanted to know everything about relationships in Switzerland. One of the asked me of how guys propose friendships to girls. I did not know what she meant and explained that we were very informal.
Fortunately the bay we anchored was very calm and the ship did not move at all, or at least one could not feel it. We prepared for dinner and went to the deck, where everybody else was sitting.
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