German Dictionary

Translation of Spanien

Spanien  Spain     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie arbeitete viel, also lud er sie zu einer Verschnaufpause in Spanien ein.

She was working hard, so he invited her on a getaway to Spain.
Spanien/die Spanier Spain/the Spanish
Spanien Spanisch Spain Spanish(1)
Spanien Madrid

We do not see the spider eating the moth, we only see a yellow spider sitting on a red flower holding a brown moth. But we know what will occur: There will be a cruel and nasty act of the nature.
The image width is ideal on all pages except on the front page. The image width there is almost double. Why? The introduction text could be on the left side, cause that is where people start reading.
After the bar we sailed back with the ferry to the other side, the side of the financial district, because there were some Halloween parties in the different bars at the Lan Kwai Fong street.
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