German Dictionary

Translation of Steigerung

die Steigerung the increase    ; the comparison    
die Steigerung the enhancement    

Translation by Vocabulix


die Zunahme, die Steigerung increase
Steigerung; Erhöhung enhancing
die Steigerung the comperative
Zunahme, Steigerung increase

I mean every thief becomes excited if he sees such a stupid tourist as I was. Some little children, I think that they were from xyz origin, came to me and offered me a newspaper and asked for money.
There were mountains. The heat of the day stand for the atmosphere between the man and the woman. They are waiting for the train from Barcelona to Madrid at a station between the two cities.
My wife and her started a nice conversation and the village girl did not believe that my wife was older than thirty years old. My wife considered herself as old, but the little girl explained her that she wasn't.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of increase   [ increased, increased ]