German Dictionary

Translation of strahlen

strahlen to shine    ; to radiate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Schon bevor er den Kampf gewann, strahlte er eine siegreiche Aura aus.

Even before he won the fight, he emitted a victorious aura.
Irrsinn strahlte aus den Augen des Kriminellen als er auf dem Schafott stand. Insanity radiated from the criminal's eyes when he stood on the scaffold.
Die Augen der Brünette strahlten eine Wärme aus, die ihn anzog. The brunette's eyes radiated a warmth that attracted him.
lächeln; strahlen; grinsen grin
strahlen to shine; to glow

No image that each sentence takes so long and multiply it by twentyfour sentences which I had just written you in our last communication. That makes a total of three hundred sixty minutes.
Completely different education and lifestyle make us incapable of putting ourselves into their situation. Sometimes we regard certain acts or certain laws as barbaric while we ignore the surroundings.
Once at the JFK I had six hours of stop over. That was plenty of time to think whether it was worth flying to Cancun or staying a few days in NY, waiting for the hurricane to pass. I called friends.
Do you know the meaning of? sprunghaft    skeptisch    serbisch    schwächeln    schmunzeln    schauspielern    rothaarig    reden    präzise    platt   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of strahlen
strahle  strahlst  strahlt  strahlen  strahlt  strahlen  strahlte  strahltest  strahlte  strahlten  strahltet  strahlten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of radiate   [ radiated, radiated ]
Conjugation of shine   [ shone, shone ]