German Dictionary

Translation of streicheln

streicheln to caress    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie streichelte das Hündchen auf ihrem Schoß.

She caressed the pooch on her lap.
tätscheln; (einen Hund) streicheln pat
streicheln Herzschlag stroke (heartstroke)
jmdn./etw. streicheln to fondle so./sth.
tätscheln, streicheln pat
knutschen streicheln pet
streicheln to stroke

Today the spring really showed itself. It was over eighteen degrees and people started wearing nice and with T-shirts. Snow has melted and the temperature is steady. I can't wait for the summer.
The letter and the date are fine. Let me know how many people are interested. I cannot promise that it will work. The size however is OK. It is worth a trial, maybe even the ones with Spanish words.
The young women rowed towards us and tried to sell food and souvenirs. We were not interested and she tried to block us and prevent us from swimming back to our vessel. So we dove beneath her.
Do you know the meaning of? spät    so lala    sich    schäbig    schnattern    scherzen    rufen    regeln    psychosomatisch    plätschern   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of streicheln
streichle  streichelst  streichelt  streicheln  streichelt  streicheln  streichelte  streicheltest  streichelte  streichelten  streicheltet  streichelten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of caress   [ caressed, caressed ]