German Dictionary

Translation of Studium

das Studium  the studies     
das Studium the study    ; the studies    

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Sample sentences:
In seinem Artikel bezog sich Doktor Meyer auf Dobsons Studien des Zwölffingerdarms.

In his article, Doctor Meyer referred to Dobson's studies of the duodenum.
Matthews erste Priorität war das Studium der Alchemie, koste es, was es wolle. Matthew's first priority was studying alchemy, no matter what the cost.
Sie vollendete ihre Studien an der Universität Oxford 1954. She consummated her studies at Oxford University in 1954.
das Studium program of studies
sein studium his studies
Das Studium Studies

The ingredients of the poem which seem to be so bright because of the white are in fact the ingredients of a witches broth: In everything there is something bad, even in the goodness and shininess.
The advantage of this change is that: 1. it improves the response time after every asked word by double. 2. Some do not want to save their lessons, they just want to test it without results being collected...
The same day that I gave my last presentation about our pilot project I flew away. The first lag was NYC's airport John F. Kennedy. I left Europe after midnight and arrived there at five o'clock, more or less.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of study   [ studied, studied ]