German Dictionary

Translation of summen

summen to buzz    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Bienen summten im Bienenstock und arbeiteten wie immer hart.

The bees buzzed in the hive, working hard as usual.
summen, brummen to buzz

Tomorrow morning a professional native English speaker will review the site and correct any spelling or English mistakes. I would really appreciate it a lot if you could mention the site in your publication!
The place was amazing and very interesting although tourists ruled here. At noon we continued to see a waterfall called Agua Azul, which means Blue Waters in Spanish. It was a two hour drive.
We left at Kowloon, where we were looking for our place at night. It was difficult to find the address of the accommodation so we took a cab. We finally got to the YMCA, which cost around 200 dollars.
Do you know the meaning of? steigen    spanisch    sich wagen    sehenswürdig    schrumpfen    schleifen    reparierbar    rammen    pressieren   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of summen
summe  summst  summt  summen  summt  summen  summte  summtest  summte  summten  summtet  summten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of buzz   [ buzzed, buzzed ]